Chronicles of the Whirlwind

by Nicholas Henkey — on


The past couple of years have been crazy. They say that in history there are decades where months happen, and months where decades happen. 2022 and 2023 fit the bill for the latter, in my life.


As a brief history and a reminder to myself and posterity, the following events transpired during a relatively short timetable:

  • April 2022 – I met the love of my life in person for the first time
  • September 2022 – I moved out of my apartment in San Diego and drove back to my parent’s house just outside of L.A. Then my now wife and I drove across the country to my new home in Arlington, VA, a stone's throw from Washington DC
  • January 2023 – Visited my friends in L.A.
  • March 2023 – Went to Bulgaria
  • April 2023 – My now wife and I got engaged to be married
  • June 2023 – We got married in a small elopement ceremony in Winchester, Virginia
  • July 2023 – We had a small reception with close friends and family
  • August 2023 – Honeymoon in Front Royal, Virginia
  • September 2023 – My wife gave birth to our first child and it did not go smoothly

I will say, this is the tip of the iceberg. My wife’s pregnancy was not an easy one due to complications, so the Summer of 2023 was completely bananas. Also, we had numerous visits from relatives in the months above; roughly 2 months in total, sometimes with both sets of parents in the area. There were also Bulgarian language classes there, hundreds of pages of paperwork, various churches we visited, and even friends who passed away.

Maintenance Mode

During this timeline, I did my best to keep up with maintaining this website and other tech projects with security patches and routine maintenance. My internet presence has obviously suffered but children are absolutely worth it. This blog (as an outlet for thoughts) has been completely dormant for most of this span and even my YouTube channel has been inactive since shortly before our first child was born. There are a handful of videos that I could publish if I can find the time to edit them. Most of them are on a single topic.

On top of the chaos, I haven’t really had much to say. The only thing that comes to mind is: “There is no compromise”.